That's MRS. Elliottpreciouspants to you!!

I just got married, and I talk about it. A lot. I also have pet bunnies, which I talk about, sort of a lot, too.

Friday, September 15, 2006

U/S update

As I expected, he's normal, but big. Not even that big--they estimated he is 8 pounds 8 ounces now. There is only one of him, as expected. Some interesting comments they made:

His penis is very large (and they took a picture) but not abnormally so. It's just extremely prominent.

His legs and arms are very long--all came up as 'out of range'. I asked what that meant, and she said it meant they were measuring longer than 42 weeks.

For his size, they are estimating him to be 39 weeks 2 days, and september 20th to be the due date. But they did say that the due date according to LMP is the most accurate, which we all know is Sept. 26th.

According to the measurements of his head and abdomen and stuff, he is in the 87th percentile for size.

His heart rate was normal, in the 150's most of the time.

He responded a lot when she was using the u/s wand thing on him. He moved a lot when she pushed on him. I couldn't feel most of it though, but we could see it on the outside.

His spine is extremely long. It starts down obviously at his head, which is down in the -1 position of my pelvic bone, and his back curves all the way up the bottom and side of my stomache, under my right boob, with his butt being in the very center of my chest under my heart. Those hard things I feel on the left side of my body are his arms and legs kicking and punching around.

At first, she said he didn't seem to have a lot of room left to move, but later she decided he was actually moving a lot. Which is exciting still:).

He is laying right on top of my placenta. Still! I remember from one of my early u/ss that he was really placenta-happy, always laying on it like a pillow, punching it and kicking it and cuddling he has it laying near his spine. Awww. He's going to miss it when we throw it away in the biohazard waste.

Of course, none of this stopped me from calling Kevin and my mom and telling them both that we needed to go to babies R us TONIGHT for a second car seat....ha! Kevin, who couldn't make it to this u/s, freaked out and then I told him I was kidding, and my mom freaked out too, but just for a second. She said I almost gave her a little meltdown. Hee hee:)

The midwife was really relieved, and said that was great, and if he was really tall that explained a lot of what she was feeling in my belly, and that anytime in the next week or two she figures we're going to have him!

In the meantime, I will continue to have a lot of sex and eat spicy food. Kevin won't mind:) (so long as I am having it with him....*wink*)


At September 15, 2006 2:53 PM, Blogger Van T.P.Dugenia said...

hey! Congratulations! I am a single young woman and never been pregnant (or married) but I always feel so elated for those who are :) It's such an incomparable feeling giving birth to another life huh :)

Cheers! V

At September 15, 2006 3:36 PM, Blogger ElliottPreciousPants said...

Thank you! This is my first pregnancy as well, so, I am pretty excited!

Any day could happen! He's ready!

Thank you for stopping in!

At September 15, 2006 7:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yay babypants! i'm glad to know he's well. even with all the tired and sore and trouble, it must be sort of endearing to know these are the last weeks before he gets out and can be his own dude! how amazing! you and your body have really done a hell of a job growing him.

At September 15, 2006 8:05 PM, Blogger S said...


At September 19, 2006 8:43 AM, Blogger ElliottPreciousPants said...

I agree, hurry up! He has a week left on his lease.....and then he gets a two week grace period...but after that he's being evicted (they don't let you go over two weeks overdue I guess).

At September 19, 2006 10:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

they will especially not let you go more than two weeks- if he's already 8, 8, he's going to run out of space soon enough, and have to look for bigger digs.

At September 19, 2006 12:29 PM, Blogger ElliottPreciousPants said...

Like a crab moving into a bigger shell....

He looked so uncomfortable in the u/s. We could only see little parts of him at a time, because he's so big, but he was so squished up and stuff. Poor little guy.


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